Thursday, May 29, 2008

an english name

hi, it has been some time.

came out with an idea of having an english name during lecture this morning. asked for others' opinions and ended up with quite a few choices.

need your opinion here. vote k? thanks.

ps: feel free to drop a comment if you have a better idea. ^-^

Thursday, January 10, 2008

jin xuan

googled my name out of curiousity.

found these.

Jin-Xuan is a special subvariety of Green Oolong with a special fragrance and a light milky smoothness.

Shanghai Jin Xuan Hotel, a service-oriented hotel with superb facilities and amenities provides excellent value.

hope that jin xuan can drink jin xuan tea while staying in jin xuan hotel one day. ^_^

Friday, November 16, 2007


spent 7 hours on my lab report!yeah, only 1 :s

it isn't a long one. the only reason is the super-smart-me forgot to save the file. never realize till the minute my com hanged. then? three hours hard work just vanished into the air. seriously felt like crying. aiks.

why on earth did i forget????

was really depressed.

back to my report after taking a shower. another 3 hours of calculations and explanation. almost die.

and now, finally, i have finished! no longer depressed! :)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

long weekend

"allerheiligen" - "all holy??" whatever. because of this christians celebration, i am having a long holiday. ok, supposed to go to class tomorrow but decided not to. no point going when majority of the class is skipping right? moreover, most (2-3?) of my normally-skip-class-friends are going. so there is no need to show my face in the lecture.

so, what's the plan? hmm, basically nothing. might go shopping tomorrow or celebrating friend's birthday. depends. most probably is a last minute decision again.

quite busy recently. and couldn't sleep well. thus want to have enough rest during this weekend. well, guess i am no longer young. :'(

Friday, October 19, 2007

Hari Raya

was just another holiday.

now, it means more.
an opportunity to meet friends and nice food.
too bad it is no longer a public holiday.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

exam's over

since then we are trying our very best to optimise the use of every single second. shopping, meeting friends, movie marathon (at home :p)... anything! just to make sure we can finish what we are supposed to do in the past month. guess we were really deprived of going out. ended up spending half of the time walking on the streets, searching for cheap nice clothes while our legs were actually protesting. to top that up, we never cook a single meal after exam. just kfc, starbucks and korean/japanese buffet. huuu. food is going to rot if we continue this. so we are having a special steamboat tomorrow. definition of special? err.. just throw all the edible food into the soup in order to get rid of them before we are off to malaysia. hehe.
anyway, happy holidays people! for those who are still suffering, don't be so jealous, k? :p
till then.

Saturday, July 7, 2007


is finish 10 chapters of biochemistry and 4 chapters of polymer chemistry in a day OR scan through 10 chapters of biochemistry in a morning

and i did BOTH!

sadly, remember it or not is a totally different thing :'(

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

wish me luck

was my message on msn..

till this conversation with a very nice friend of mine

he: wish you bad luck
me: choi
he: you just want people to wish you luck ma.. so i wish you bad luck
me: -_-''

who in her right mind wants bad luck? bleh!

just in case there are a lot of nice people like him out there, i have changed it to 'wish me GOOD luck' haha. really need a lot for this coming exam. what to do? was a bit lazy to study and have 4 subjects to understand and memorise...

Saturday, June 2, 2007


if you happen to visit another blog of mine before, you would know that it's in chinese. a lot of friends who don't understand chinese always complain and request for some english entries. hmm. i know it's really frustrating to recieve notifications but do not understand a single thing i wrote. sorry ar..

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


first day of oraganic chemistry lab. stressed. everything looked ok till the very last minute. i was told that i used too much toluol. must i redo? not sure but hopefully not. 5 more substances to prepare. another analysis. in another 9 afternoon. STRESSED!