Saturday, January 20, 2007


always want to find the easiest way to achieve something. it's me. however, there isn't always a shortcut. sometimes, we just have to work hard. this is the lesson i learn from my revision. supposed to do the exercises but ended up reading the answers posted online. reasons? my brain isn't working properly and i wanna finish my revision as soon as possible. it's partly the lecturer's fault. why must he post the answers online? haha. now, i am getting the 'balasan'. have to redo all the quetions to make sure i really understand and manage to solve the quetions in the exam. haih. really regret. should have done the quetions. no more shortcut in studies. at least not those involve calculation and thinking. REGRET.

Friday, January 5, 2007


skipped lecture today! lots of my friends couldn't believe it but i did skip the super boring organic chemistry. it's a hard decision as i am a good student. haha. felt really bad but really hate all the stupid equations at the moment. so i chose to say sorry to the lecturer. hmm.. and i did make sure others went for lecture so that the lecturer won't feel that bad. see, i am still a good student!

by the way, got my w850i today. and guess what? i didn't insert the sim card as i wanted to insert it after charging the hp. so? i can still insert it whenever i like. yup, that's what i thought. when i happily wanna insert the sim card, i just couldn't open the cover. tried infinity times but just didn't work. what's wrong? can't i use my hp anymore? i haven't even on it. omg. thumbs are aching. can do nothing though. hoping that mr nick manage to help me tommorow. or else i have to go back to the shop and ask for help. arg.. memalukan! guess it's the balasan of skipping!

Thursday, January 4, 2007


after 1 1/2 hours organic chemistry lecture, i was half dead. too many equations! suddenly understand why many people think chemistry is hard. you might not have any difficulties in understanding but you will have a big problem in mamorising all the processes, equations and stuffs. argss.. drew/ wrote/ copied lots of equations within the 90 mins but can't remember a single one. they are just so alien!!
class was over and i thought: fine, no more equation for today!
again, i encountered another few equations while i tried to catch up with the revision. didn't bother to look at them, at least not now. aiks, why am i doing chemical engineering? i used to love chemistry.. but now, i am not sure. i might still love it, but not the memorising part for sure. why must i memorise all these? can't i just refer to a book when i need it? aiks.. hate equations!! wish i have better memory!!