Tuesday, December 5, 2006

nightmare *_*

dreamt that one of my friends died. just a dream, you might say. yet, it made me worry. almost message that friend just to make sure she is alright. kept thinking about it and blurted it out right before the lecture started. then dee told me that indians believe that whoever who die in a dream has a long life. i am not sure whether it's true but i choose to believe it. why not? it makes me relief and stops me from thinking all the what if. it's not the matter of supertitious. it's just a way to omit the unnecesary worries. hehe. it's actually the second time i have this kind of dream. the first one really freaked me out. it seemed so real that i almost believe it will happen. back then, i told another friend of mine just to avoid it. avoid? yeah, chinese believe that bad dreams won't come true if you voice it out. again, it's another 'just in case'. don't laugh at this. all these might seem pointless but every say has its own reason, i say. anyway, i am still a science person :p

1 comment:

carr0ts said...

hey hey..i hv the same kind of dream too.. a few times.. once it was... *ssshhhhh....* : der yi. =X i feel the same way as u did... still haunts me til today..