Tuesday, December 19, 2006

christmas celebration

went to a christmas party just now. ok, nothing special if it wasn't in organic chemistry lab. yeah, it's always a must to wear labcoat and goggles in the lab. as normal, eating is also strictly prohibited. so how to party in a lab? hmm, just... like normal. cheh!

drinks was served and snacks were contributed by us, the so called poor students. haha. light was off and music was on. so the atmosphere was pretty good. as usual, we sticked among ourselves while others were busy chatting. it's surely awkward! even steph's mom said it doesn't make any difference if we were there or at home. haih, sad! anyway, lecturers and lab assistances started to approach us and it made things worse. we had nothing to talk and it ended up in a more awkward situation. one of the lecturers even asked if we have any quetion. omg, what quetion should we ask in a party? *rolling eyes*

things got better after a draggy 30 mins. some of the closer classmates arrived and we finally chatted with others. guess that was the longest conversation in 18 months. tsk tsk we are anti-social after all.

1 comment:

Syazwan Rosli said...

Happy belated Birthday! Have fun.