Thursday, January 4, 2007


after 1 1/2 hours organic chemistry lecture, i was half dead. too many equations! suddenly understand why many people think chemistry is hard. you might not have any difficulties in understanding but you will have a big problem in mamorising all the processes, equations and stuffs. argss.. drew/ wrote/ copied lots of equations within the 90 mins but can't remember a single one. they are just so alien!!
class was over and i thought: fine, no more equation for today!
again, i encountered another few equations while i tried to catch up with the revision. didn't bother to look at them, at least not now. aiks, why am i doing chemical engineering? i used to love chemistry.. but now, i am not sure. i might still love it, but not the memorising part for sure. why must i memorise all these? can't i just refer to a book when i need it? aiks.. hate equations!! wish i have better memory!!

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