Friday, January 5, 2007


skipped lecture today! lots of my friends couldn't believe it but i did skip the super boring organic chemistry. it's a hard decision as i am a good student. haha. felt really bad but really hate all the stupid equations at the moment. so i chose to say sorry to the lecturer. hmm.. and i did make sure others went for lecture so that the lecturer won't feel that bad. see, i am still a good student!

by the way, got my w850i today. and guess what? i didn't insert the sim card as i wanted to insert it after charging the hp. so? i can still insert it whenever i like. yup, that's what i thought. when i happily wanna insert the sim card, i just couldn't open the cover. tried infinity times but just didn't work. what's wrong? can't i use my hp anymore? i haven't even on it. omg. thumbs are aching. can do nothing though. hoping that mr nick manage to help me tommorow. or else i have to go back to the shop and ask for help. arg.. memalukan! guess it's the balasan of skipping!

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