Saturday, November 18, 2006


exam schedule for this semester is out! after weeks of waiting! eh, don't get it wrong. i am still normal and will never look forward for an exam. the only reason i sound happy is that i can finally decide if i am going back during this coming chinese new year. ha, guess the decision is obvious. bingo, i am going back again. this time, i can really celebrate my chinese new year with family and friends. after 2 long years! gosh, it was only 2 years but it seems longer than that. okok, i admit that i went back last year and sort of spent my CNY at home. yeah, sort of. i wasn't there for the first few days, which means i missed most of the meaningful gathering. so last year CNY can't be considered as a celebration, not a perfect one at least!

arg, seems that there is a problem here. was just informed that my 'dearest' coursemates are trying to stop me from flying back. wanna change the exam date so that we have enough time to study? nonsence. if the seniors managed to do that (ok, most of them didn't), why can't we? just study now and stop partying. don't care, i will pray that your protest doesn't work. I WANT TO GO HOME!!!


stranger said...

SHOULD I GO HOME...........?!

nauxnij said...

wah, i thought you are supposed to write a comment but not a quetion. haha. hmm, you know my answer!

Wearn said...

oi.. just to say hi! :D

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