Sunday, November 26, 2006

writing contest

writing contest at the age of 21? yup! it wasn't a normal one. you can't win just because you have the nicest writing in the world. on the other hand, you might be the winner despite your ugly writing if your writing is small. yeah, this special contest was organised by me! hehe. you might think that noone is lame enough to join this but nope, cy and dee did. it was during break and we were chatting in the canteen. some coursemates passed by and made a big fuss over our minute writing (it's actually legible but it's way too small compared to theirs). guess we were too bored. we started to show them what does minute mean. and we ended up competing to earn the title. childish? we are! yet, it's a good way to brighten our dull lives, isn't it? anyway, the winner goes to .. dang dang dang dang.. me!! cy and dee must be stamping their feet now. haha. i did win for the first round ok! by the way, you are welcomed to challenge us. just make sure that your writing is half the size of this! looking forward. ciao!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

half of the size of da written word 'this'?? sub sub water le ;)
cheng cheng: " " wahhhh, too small till it appears to be in invisible...
geng leh :P