Wednesday, November 15, 2006

nauxnij ^_^

it has been long since i last wrote something in english. so don't be surprise if you realise how bad is it. you might be wondering what does nauxnij stand for. well, have a guess! still have no idea? get a mirror and put it at either side (left or right) of nauxnij. got it? yup, it's my name. creative? thanks to my friends in sam. we actually tried to pronounce this and it ended up as 'noch nicht'. mind you, it means haven't in german. almost fainted when i found out. now that i realise i have never tell anyone about this. haha. so you might be the first. by the way, i am not trying to show off my creativity but jinxuan is taken (quite disappointed to know that it is a common name, aiks!) and i have no choice but use this. ok, i might have a better choice IF i think. the point is, i am not in a mood to think. yeah. you can take it as i am too lazy to think. won't blame you for that since it's the truth. hehe. is it too lame for a first blog here? (i have another one in friendster but that is in chinese) hmm, don't care! just hope that there is another blog of mine sometime in the near future. :p

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